Rimmer knees Death in the balls
and the original run of the show ends. This final episode more or less
encapsulates Series VIII. It's not very funny, it's too focused on Rimmer at
the expense of the other characters, and it's essentially two unrelated plots
jammed together: one about Red Dwarf being destroyed by a "corrosive
microorganism", the antidote for which can be found in a "mirror
universe", and a story about Lister and Kryten playing pranks on each other.
These two narratives have virtually nothing to do with each other, the
"prank" plot only serving to facilitate the characters' surprisingly
easy escape from prison and discovery of the microorganism, after which they turn
around and go back again to inform the Captain that the ship is being destroyed,
winding up back in prison, from which they immediately escape again when Red
Dwarf is abandoned. It's very much like the repeated returns to the Captain's
office in the previous episode.

I have to admit that the drunk
acting kind of amuses me, particularly boosted by the incredibly camp way
Graham McTavish portrays Ackerman, with his "super suck" line being a
highlight. The scene in which the Cat accidentally makes another inmate his
"bitch" is okay as well; it's probably the only memorable Cat moment
in the entirety of Series VIII. The "Have a Fantastic Period" banner
is kind of funny purely in terms of how utterly stupid it is, but it's another
joke more or less deriving solely from "Kochanski is a woman." I always get confused with the order of these episodes and can never remember when this bit and the "Archie" bit appear in the series. It's a particular problem with "Only the Good..." trying to do a dramatic climax to the series while also trying to generate comedy from completely unrelated derring-do.

The other plot is so forced and
rushed that it's impossible to take any interest in it; it's such an arbitrary
threat to the crew, and the mirror universe is so unexplored, especially
because "mirror Lister", who is kind of funny, is left on the cutting
room floor. On the other hand, if it was a mirror universe and Rimmer outranks
Lister in our universe, wouldn't Lister outrank Rimmer in the mirror universe?
Anyway... "Dumb Kochanski" doesn't work because the actual character
receives so little characterisation in this series; there's even a deleted line
from "Back in the Red" in which she doesn't know what E=MC
means, which seems highly unlikely. If you watch the deleted scenes it's more like "working class Kochanski" as opposed to "posh Kochanski", which comes across as pretty dodgy. "Smart Cat" is mildly more
amusing but the whole idea feels so half-arsed, a sort of feeble "Back to Reality"-esque device but with only half of the main characters making the cut. Why not set most, if not all, of the episode in the mirror universe if they were going to do this? The way in which they pull the "we should go to a mirror universe" idea out of their heads is baffling too. Imagine if every time people needed an antidote to something they went "the only
possible way to get this is to rig up an experimental dimension-crossing device using mirrors and find this substance's opposite in another universe." Where's mirror Kryten? The
confusion about Talia Garrett's identity is also very old hat. How many times has the "sister confused for lover" thing been done in comedies? They were really touching barrel bottom by this point.

The ending is a total anticlimax.
Lister, Kryten, Cat and Kochanski all disappear offscreen. Imagine if this had
really turned out to be the last ever episode of
Red Dwarf. It would have been a terrible sendoff. Lister's meant to
be the main one of the main characters and he doesn't get so much as a goodbye.
Nonetheless, the "Rimmer kicks death in the bollocks" scene proves
that even with so much of its charm drained away the show could still do
something funny and memorable, although I understand that a lot of fans hate
that ending. At least we didn't get the ending in which Rimmer simply dies. Nonetheless, I don't understand why this episode couldn't have simply been just another episode, perhaps being something about the five Dwarfers coming to the end of their sentence and having to avoid some situation that would have extended it.

In many ways I prefer the
original ending, in which Rimmer is forced to memorise the formula. Probably
the only way it doesn't work is because it doesn't provide symmetry with the
opening joke in which Rimmer says that the vending machine will only get his
revenge when he's captain of the ship. The script seems to forget that if all
of the main characters were still on Red Dwarf at the end, Kochanski would be
captain, not Rimmer, because she drastically outranks him. Revisiting Rimmer's
ambition in this final episode doesn't really work anyway, however, because
he's spent so many episodes mucking around, playing pranks and stuff. The
original ending also gives little to no closure to the other main characters,
who just dance past in a conga line smoking cigars. Still not much of a finale
for them.

If we want to imagine how the
story was resolved in a way that fits with the newer stuff, the best narrative
is probably what they were going to film (but didn't): Series I to VII Rimmer
returns as Ace and saves the day (perhaps rather incompetently). We could
imagine him then re-joining the crew. I notice a lot of people think "If
Back to Earth and Series X Rimmer is a hologram, how does he remember the
corrosive microorganism?" which comes up in "The Beginning" in
Series X. The "Ace Rimmer" solution seems to answer that question
quite neatly: hologram Rimmer came back and saved the ship (and nanobot Rimmer
probably did get killed). The problem is that this ending would have been another
tedious rehash of the show's better days, with more fan-pleasing in the case of
bringing back Ace Rimmer, and I'm glad this ending never actually materialised
on screen because I suspect it would have looked shonky and not been funny.

It's odd to hear the cast on the
DVD commentary from 2006 or so referring to this as "the last
Red Dwarf ever", given that only
three years later all five of the main cast would be in "Back to
Earth" (albeit one of them in a smaller role). Now there's a tenth series,
with an eleventh about to air and a twelfth in production. Even in the
documentary for Series VIII, Doug Naylor is discussing the film project and
admits that one day he'd give up and go back to making some specials or another
series, both of which happened. Thank god for that, as well, because Series
VIII would have been a hell of a weak ending for the show. When rewatching
"Only the Good..." for this review, I had to throw on "Back to
Earth, Part One" immediately afterwards to take the taste away. At least
that "the smeg it is" at the end turned out to be justified in the
long run.
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