gets arrested and a simulant strangles himself. In my opinion this
might be the best episode of Series IV, or at least my favourite. It's
pretty much got it all: lots of good jokes, exploration of a main
character, an interesting sci-fi concept and a decent bit of action.
It's also structured more or less impeccably in a mirror-image fashion,
beginning with Lister's complaints about the lack of justice in the
universe, followed by the journey to Justice World to contain the
potential simulant, followed by Rimmer's arrest and trial and the
introduction of the Justice Field, after which the simulant is
confronted and defeated, and the coda wraps up Lister's thoughts on
justice from the beginning of the episode. It all comes together very
nicely, without the tendency that some such busy episodes have to leave
things hanging.

I was to criticise anything about "Justice", it would be that I don't
think the location shooting is terribly effective. As usual, the
interior of a futuristic facility looks like an old-fashioned pump house
with pipes and valves everywhere and stuff. Perhaps I'm just
overthinking it and such a facility would need all that kind of
malarkey, but I doubt it. On the other hand, the "Justice World" model
is incredibly good, and the very simple set used for Rimmer's cell is
highly evocative and conveys a great deal with very little. Obviously
the courtroom set leaves a bit to be desired because it looks like a
hypnosis wheel threw up on a drama studio floor, but the strength of the
writing carries this. While I find the justice boots kind of amusing,
largely because they enable comedy walks, they are very noticeably just
polystyrene when they're blown up by the simulant. The simulant costume,
by contrast, is very good. Cat's costume, it must be said, is hideous.

probably worth dwelling a little on the idea of Rimmer's trial. It's
difficult to say whether Rimmer holds himself to blame for the accident
or not; he blamed Lister for it in "The End", although he takes
responsibility for it in the death video footage in "
Me2". Some argue
there's a contradiction in this episode as Rimmer has never very sincerely held himself
responsible, but I think that the point is to imply that Rimmer
subconsciously feels a sense of guilt or responsibility due to his
inflated sense of self-importance, even though it was his superiors'
fault for assigning him a task outside of his purview. The fact that
Rimmer doesn't realise what the justice computer is talking about shows
that he doesn't consciously feel guilty; it's a suppressed feeling. This
is also an interesting depiction of the nature of holograms. Here
Rimmer is treated as being the same person as the man who died on Red
Dwarf, despite being simply an electronic replica of him. It's an issue
that the show never really explores in much detail; is a person's
hologram really the same person as them? Rimmer even says in "The End"
that "I'm not really me", so does that make him just a simulation of the
person, as is suggested early on, or, as develops more and more as the show goes on, an "electronic life form" based on
that person, or as a third possibility is he somehow an actual continuation of the original person's

away from such weighty matters, I like the idea of the justice field,
although Lister's little speech about free will at the end doesn't seem
to entirely relate to it. Perhaps this is one aspect that doesn't get
explored to its full potential and is mostly set up as a plot device to
kill the simulant at the end. At least it provides us with a great joke,
Cat smashing the simulant over the head with a shovel and knocking
himself out. There are almost too many other good jokes to mention;
early on, some of the jokes about Lister's space mumps are a good
example of the show's piss-taking writing at its best, especially Cat's
"Maybe you could stick a spike on your head and pretend you're the Taj
Mahal" and Rimmer's "Shouldn't you be in the greenhouse with the rest of
the cantaloupes?" Kryten perfectly sets up the difference between
simulants and androids: "An android would never rip off a human's head
and spit down its neck." I really like how Lister says "Hi, killer,"
when he comes into Rimmer's cell, and the trial is full of great lines:
"A piece of sputum floating in the toilet bowl of life", "Take the
fifth!", "I'd describe the accused as a git", "Only a yoghurt" and "That
is his crime; it is also his punishment." Robert Llewellyn deserves a
round of applause after this that he doesn't get. Perhaps my favourite
line that doesn't even get a laugh is "He's like the security guard on
the front gate who considers himself head of the corporation." When you
get so many woofers packed into a single scene, it's impossible for any
sensible person not to recognise the greatness that is "Justice".
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